Monday, November 17, 2014


Fall has been a very busy and exciting time for our family. Matt has been busy finishing up the house he is building with his brothers with their business, All Seasons Carpentry. He has been doing this on top of his regular work which means he has been working most weekends and quite a few evenings. In September we decided to buy Matt's Oma and Opa's house and to sell our house. It was amazing how smoothly this process went and we are so grateful for that. We are excited to move in December and to have more room for the kids to play! I recently joined Fukomoto Fitness and am attending 2 work out classes a week and am absolutely loving it! I have never been so enthusiastic about working out or looked forward to it so much!

The kids and I are enjoying getting back into a routine of going to mom's group and having regular play dates each week. Claire's favourite things to do these days is to play pretend. This mostly includes making a fort in the living room and being a lion (which of course is not fun unless Matt or I play with her). She talks about lions a lot and her and Ben even dressed up as lions for Halloween. 

Claire has also started to enjoy looking at books and pretending to read them (she has a couple of her books memorized now and will flip the pages to any book and recite the ones she knows by heart). She has also learned how to turn on her lamp in her room so if she wakes up too early in the morning we will often find her reading to herself in the chair in her room. 

Ben loves his big sister and any attention she gives him, which most days is a lot. It is amazing to watch them play together and enjoy each others company already. This past month Ben has learned how to fall asleep on his own for naps, to sleep through the night fairly consistently and to eat some solid foods. He loves his jolly jumper and bounces very aggressively in his bouncy chair. He is such a happy little guy and smiles easily at pretty much anybody! 

When the leaves were still falling I did a couple little photo shoots with the kids in our backyard and some of the pictures turned out really well! Here are a couple of my favourites.

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