Wednesday, June 3, 2015


So as it turns out I really like gardening! Yes, I've really only been a gardener for a couple of weeks now but it's way more fun than I thought it would be. When we moved into our new place I was a little intimidated by the huge garden in the backyard but decided that I was going to go for it, especially after my dad said he'd help me! So 2 weeks ago he came over to help me plant all my seeds and plants. I decided to try as many fruits and veggies as possible to see what would grow well and what we would use the most. The final list of everything we planted is quite long but here goes: strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, goji berries, cucumber, tomatoes, zucchini, carrots, squash, radishes, peppers, peas, beans, potatoes, beets, onions, spinach, kale, lettuce and asparagus. Not to mention the rhubarb, green onion, garlic, chives and tons of dill coming up everywhere that had already been there and the herbs that I planted in another part of my yard. 

After we planted I watched and waited. I was so excited to see progress that I couldn't keep my eyes of the garden. I had never spent so much time staring at dirt. But sure enough a couple of days later little signs of life started to peak through the soil. First the Kale, then the spinach and soon everything started to sprout! Now the garden looks like this:

It may not look like a lot but the little rows of green that weren't there before make me so happy! After we planted the seeds I had no idea what to expect the little plants to look like. I've never really seen where my food comes from and it was really neat to see how all the plants looked.

I don't have anything to pick yet but the tomato plants have lots of green tomatoes starting! 

I'm so excited to taste fresh fruits and vegetables and am very protective over my garden. I find myself constantly looking out my back window to make sure there are no little animals nibbling at my plants and have even run out my back door shouting and waving my arms to scare of an unsuspecting bird who I thought might be pecking  a little too suspiciously in the soil. I can really relate to Mr. MacGregor. How dare that Peter Rabbit sneak into his garden and help himself to food that didn't belong to him! So far I don't have a rabbit problem because Matt's Oma and Opa (the previous owners of our house) made the yard very secure. 
I'm hoping that I can keep up with the work that this garden will entail and that I can also keep enjoying it. Right now mostly all I'm doing is watering and hoping that everything keeps growing!

1 comment:

  1. Love this! Gardening is great fun! Ours hasn't started to peak up yet, it's in desperate need of water! There is a water ban on in our city so I've even trying to scrounge and use water from boiled veggies etc. probably a old habit to get into, rather than wasting it down the drain! All though we have tonnes if sunflower seeds sprouting from our bird feeder haha! Seriously, they are worse than weeds right now. Good luck!
